“I dreamed about living undersea with nemo while I was a child.”

Enter the room, I enter a colorful and lively space under the sea. Just like the scene in “Finding Nemo”, all the creatures seem alive and have their own movement. The creatures undersea are incredible in colors, shapes and textures. They move and sway with force. Just stop and notice its color and texture, and pay attention to the detail, the way the sea anemone sway, the softness of its tentacles and its interaction with clownfish. Imagining I‘m walking no longer on the land but undersea, I seem to be walking on a soft ground surrounded by various kinds of coral and aquatic plants. See those clownfishes shuttle back and forth from the green and purple sea anemones, see bluish jellyfish swimming, I experience nature. The space is quiet, without any noisy sound but aquatic lives’ movement, it seems peaceful and placid, makes people feel calm, curious and relaxed as well. To create coral’s texture, I’d like to choose soft yarn with fluff in the bluish colour palette, and use knitting to show the repetitive patterns of corals. Since the sea always reminds me of the character Nemo, which is part of my childhood memories, I also remembered Nemo’s interaction with sea anemone, so I would like to combine those into my pieces. Inspired by blue jellyfish, I’d like to use roving to represent its softness in the bell, and rough yarn represent its tentacles. 



Oct 14, 2019

Coral reef.jpg


Oct 10, 2019



Oct 15, 2019

Finding Nemo.jpg


Oct 10, 2019